Episode 666

Crystal | Balmung | Lavender Beds | Ward 24 | Plot 49

"This is Episode 666. Destination Chaos."

About Us

Haunted secret rooms are awaiting your visit

"Be the visitor or the victim."

Episode 666 is composed of a haunted house and a lair apartment.
(More places will be listed up soon.)
The Escape Adventure,
interacting with items to collect clues in the room to escape.
Traps, enemies, hidden events.
Unknown creatures are staring at you in the darkness...
Can you escape from the horrors before it's too late?

Interactive Escape Adventure is only available for Reservation.
It's for free, no entry fee.
Don't be shy to contact me and book an exciting tour!

(Dunkel Helvete@Balmung, dunkelhelvete@discord )

"So, where you'd like to go?"

Hänsel und Gretel

"The Venus flytrap - lovely, attractive, but fatal."

Horror secrets hide beneath a cozy tonberry Cafe.

Once upon a time, there are two namazus called Hansel and Gretel. They live in the candy house and welcome for every visitors from all over the world.

Devil's Lair

"Your soul will be consumed in the melody of voidsent."

(A puzzle solving-orientated escape content is coming soon...)

Once upon a time, there are two namazus called Hansel and Gretel. They live in the candy house and welcome for every visitors from all over the world.

Hänsel und Gretel

Just a sugarcoated haunted house

Once upon a time, there are two namazus called Hansel and Gretel. They live in the candy house and welcome for every visitors from all over the world.

Crystal | Balmung | Lavender Beds | Ward 24 | Plot 49

"Yes, yes! Welcome, welcome."

Meet our namazu Hansel & Gretel, they do a great job to make sure you won't miss my trap house when you pass by. I put lots interesting contents all over my places, hope you enjoy your stay!

Outdoor "Funcilities"

Enjoy your stay while waiting outside

Find your own creative way to get in!
Either walking through the fire or flipping over the wall...or...
Good at jumping puzzles? Let's warm up!
Challenging the top of Hansel & Gretel or those yummy cream puffs for the Top Cookies!

Tonberry Cafe

A waiting room for drinks, music, and incoming unknown adventures

Once upon a time, there are two namazus called Hansel and Gretel. They live in the candy house and welcome for every visitors from all over the world.

"Take a seat, visitor."

I know what brought you here, just land your ears to me before rushing into the darkness...We can talk about those "things" in the basement...Basking in the sunshine and embrace the last warmth.
Have a drink as it's your final libation.
Enjoy the music before filling your heart with miserable cries.
"So ya ready?"

Soft Opening

Friday 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM EST

"Tonberry, ghosts, and what else?"

we serve specialized food and drinks in our Tonberry Cafe. A social place for all kind of spirits! join us if you're looking for a spooky cozy venue to socialize, afk, or giving other guests a BOOOO!

♦ Check out our open spots for hiring >>>

Sunbath Windows:

All window glasses are customized for vampires. Those wavelengths in the sunlight that cause skin burn have been filtered already. Please relax and enjoy the safe sunshine here.

(▲ It might still hurt after long time exposure, please make sure you take a break every other time.)

Carbuncle Boo!

Not just cuddling with adorable carbuncles but also enjoy the photosynthesis time! Inhale some fresh air, exhale, and relax!

Tonberry Dance

Dance with tonberry and enjoy the sound of your steps!
A cozy corner to have tonberry service and watch the upside down fish swimming.


The BAR area is the best spot to chat with our barkeepers and see how they make your drinks and food in a professional way.
Also meet our wine rack helpers.

"TonBARry Main Kitchen"

Mid-heavy RP

All High-quality, amazing food/drinks made by our chef/barkeeper.
(Hired chef/barkeeper)

"Dunkel's Experimental Corner"

Lite RP

To explore the limit of food and all possibilities of material combinations!
Not sure about the result but you are welcome to order food from Dunkle's exp. kitchen. Let's figure out the taste together!

(▲Warning: Minor to severe short-term side effects could occur after taking experimental products. Think twice before doing it.
Given effects: dizzy, vomit, skin color change, diarrhea, fart, memory loss, ...)

♦ Lite-RP
(Dunkel is still a newbie to RP, so just don't be too harsh to this tonberry disguised creature.)
With limited understanding and intellect, this creature is still trying its best to complete orders. Don't be too surprised if its brain got overloaded and ran out of function...

"Do Not Disrupt!"

We might undergo the Escaping adventure in the basement.
Please wait in the lobby until we finished our turn, thank you!

Once upon a time, there are two namazus called Hansel and Gretel. They live in the candy house and welcome for every visitors from all over the world.

(Please be respectful of staffs and your fellow visitors' immersion.)

Haunted Tonberry Cafe

♦ Vampire-friendly sunbath windows:
All window glasses are customized for vampires. Those wavelengths in the sunlight that cause skin burn have been filtered already. Please relax and enjoy the safe sunshine here.
♦ Power Supply Dysfunction:
Once the ESCAPE began, the electromagnetic field could be interfered and the power supply might be unstable or shut down. Emergency lights have already been prepared with all seats. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate for your understanding.
♦ Zombie corpse rains from above:
We are having the zombie issue that they falling from unknown randomly. But don't worry, just hold your breath, then they won't sense you and will leave soon. Just keep it in mind and don't panic when it happens!
♦ Screams from the basement:
You might hear something from the basement during your stay. You will be safe as long as staying behind the blockade. We can't sure whether screams were coming from horrors or victims...

♦ Take a peek of our menu >>>

♦ Check Survival Guide of Haunted ESCAPE >>>

Gallery of the Past


Meet the true Evils

"Be mindful, we bite."

The true evils that are bound to the void. Check their cards below.
Each one of them gives you different Buff or Debuff for your adventure.
Good luck!


Owner/ Ghost

Once upon a time, there are two namazus called Hansel and Gretel. They live in the candy house and welcome for every visitors from all over the world.


The Pure Evil

+5 min bonus time.
Cure for infection.



Blocking one attack.
Too hot to touch!

Wander Souls

Always come with surprise

(I just wanna show off how awesome they are lol)


Devil in Clouds

Gives hint twice.


The Musician

Extra loot drops.


? ? ?

+4 Ranks of jumping skill.


? ? ?


In the future, we will start to serve specialized food and drinks in our Tonberry Cafe. And hope it can be the social place for all kind of spirits!
Feel free to join us if you're looking for a spooky cozy venue to socialize, afk, or giving other guests a BOOOO!
♦ Sprouts welcomed & Chocobo-friendly establishment

  • Shouter/Runner

  • Spooky Bard

  • Spooky Bartender

  • Wandering Ghosts/ Tonberry

  • Monsters/ Zombies

  • Buff/Debuff givers

Any spooky soul wanna work together?
Contact me! :)

Dunkel Helvete

Dunkel Helvete

Dunkel Helvete

A cat, a wolf, a chocobo.
A bug, a ghost, a nightmare tail.
This is Dunkel,
I am everything.

Dunkel Helvete

Dunkel Helvete

Dunkel Helvete

Dunkel Helvete

Dunkel Helvete


The Ghost
The owner of the haunted house "Episode 666".
"Find the clue and try to escape. Hints been revealed, hope or traps...?"
Watching people falling off is entertaining.

The Tonberry
The bartender(?) of the Cafe
"Stabbing, stabbing, more stabbing." That's how our drinks are made. Together with the Mecha Fish, they explore all possibilities of different materials for new recipes.

The Gobby
The gofer of the Cafe
Do odds and ends.
Taking care of all plants in the Haunted House. New ongoing work is to extract a specific juice from the morbol mutant for...a secret use.


free stray

No heart,
Cannot love.

"It seems like useless to me, so take it."As the price of reborn, the heart has been traded.
It doesn't even bother her at all.
(The boundary is there, stay back for your safety.♥)


"I enjoy my free stray life so far!"Being a free soul makes her happy.A fearless spirit that is willing to explore everything with Poke Poke Poke!


"Your suffering entertains me. "Enjoy bugging friends, if there's not enough pain, make some more.



"STARDIVER!"As a dragoon, she goes WILD and CRAZY during fights.
Blood thirsty eyes are on the target.
Running at the edge of death gets her hyped.




from the hell.

"It gets me out of troubles."Feeling more comfortable and safe while wearing it.
Only taking it off under specific circumstances.

"It's all for the Stardiver!"

"This is the best morbol I've ever seen!"
@Human-sized Cat Tree
Inspired by that awesome morbol, now she's working on her own morbol culture research.

Yes, Yes,


"Rein the Big Cuddle Cat!"

"Tokk the bestie"

"This is the hottie Vidar!"

"Cai the lovely"


"Kitty Onesan"

Hair design for him :D

Poko Poko Poko Poko Poko

Zizzy Zizzy Zizzy Zizzy Zizzy

(more coming soon...)



Lion tail gang

"Verin and @ _ @"

"Shinjii channel"

He needs some facepaint :D

Brand On the Piggy guard buddy!


(more coming soon...)

The real BIG HUG from Vivi & Endreth


Oswell Spencer
(Ah Puch)

The Pure Evil

The most powerful lalafell that lives with Gfuel. Top 3 favorite:

  • 1) Dubmelon mint

  • 2) Divine Peach

  • 3) Watermelon Limeade

  • (Updating...)

Once upon a time, there are two namazus called Hansel and Gretel. They live in the candy house and welcome for every visitors from all over the world.

"Gaze upon this sublime pink stache and drift away into a world of wonder."

Vidar Zero

The pierced ears, burn scars

Gay / Bi but with heavy male lean
♂+♂ (♀? very rarely but possible)
He/Him, They/Them
Switch, versatile, Top or Bottom but it's heavily situational

<<< Click for his real carrd ;p


Opportunist, partially narcissist, quiet, stubborn, feral, vindictive, socially awkward, rude tsundere energy, brat, between hotheaded and icecold. if you manage to befriend him, a loyal friend

The longer you look at him, the more you feel there may be more to learn about this large, grumpy foul-mooded viera, but for that it needs time, time and a chat or closer observations. (Feel invited to explore more of his background IC during actual roleplay!)


breaking rules, having it his way, booze, butts, battles, cigarettes and other smokeables


Liars & lies, hypocrisy, sudden cuddly outbursts in public, being not taken serious.


"Time to play some music!"

(carrd coming soon...)

The Musician

Demon sometimes...?

The Talented Gentlecat


Gregory & Tris'tan

The best bros!

Lord Shinjii

His mind is always in clouds

"Get off of my throne, strangers."

Haunted Escape
Survival Guide

Mixed theme of Resident Evil and Silent Hill

Feel free to explore by yourself
but interactive Escape adventure will be Reservation Only.

Haunted Hour

Friday 9:00 PM - 2:00 AM EST
Saturday 9:00 PM - 2:00 AM EST
(Make your reservation with /tell or Discord)

    "A visitor or a victim?"


    Once upon a time, there are two namazus called Hansel and Gretel. They live in the candy house and welcome for every visitors from all over the world.
    • Open 24/7

    • No interactive contents

    • No surprise

    • How far you can go?

    Haunted Escape

    • Reservation ONLY

    • Interactive contents

    • Hidden/Random events

    • 3 Rooms + Hidden areas

    Please be respectful to your fellow visitors' immersion.
    If there's already a player/group in the basement, the new visitors will be asked to wait in the Tonberry Lobby until the previous group has finished their adventure.
    Or you can book a spot through discord (dunkelhelvete) to save your waiting time.

    Escape the Room
    Survival Guide

    Mixed theme of Resident Evil and Silent Hill

    "So here you are."

    Once upon a time, there are two namazus called Hansel and Gretel. They live in the candy house and welcome for every visitors from all over the world.

    A time limited escape adventure in the haunted house!
    Some secret virus experiments were executed in the basement of a sugarcoated cafe. The situation was getting out of control and we need you to get the anti-virus reagent out there before it's too late!
    You will have to collect clues to help yourself out while dealing with unknown enemies, hidden events, and jumping puzzles. Total 5 areas to explore, time is ticking, will you be the survivor or become part of "them"...?

    The door opens 24/7 for eager visitors to explore.
    Haunted hours: Fri & Sat 9pm - 2am

    (The door might be locked if there's a haunted tour undergoing, feel free to knock the door with /tell Dunkel Helvete@Balmung.)

    Before the exploration :

    • RP Walking.

    • Do NOT jump or walk through furniture/wall (You might get stuck)

    • First person POV (Home button)/ Closer camera following

    • Total 3 Rooms+ Hidden Void Area! (if you could find the path)

    During the exploration :

    • Try to search for the antidote "Potion" in the basement!

    • Red light= wrong door!

    • Green light= Elevator to evacuate!

    • Enter the Elevator, JUMP to escape!

    • Got Stuck? Type /housing > Move to the front door

    • Elevator is out of order? Type /housing > Front door > Re-enter the house

    • If you had passed through any furniture, teleporting trick might not work. (When you've found yourself unable to /sit on a chair) Just re-enter the house and try again!

    ♥ Tips are welcome ♥

    Appreciate for your generosityYou can purchase some spooky items from our front yard Retainer!Thank you for liking the place and supporting us.
    Hope to see you again soon!

    The more detailed adventure can be potentially time consuming so we would be grateful if you could book in advance. ♥
    You can also hit me up whenever my Haunted Escape Party Finder is up.
    (If no response, could be afk. Contact me on discord: dunkelhelvete)

    ♥ Hope you enjoy the place :)
    Toss me your thought via discord once you completed it!
    Or book an interactive Escape Adventure for more fun♥

    Escape the Room
    Survival Guide

    Mixed theme of Resident Evil and Silent Hill

    "So here you are."

    Once upon a time, there are two namazus called Hansel and Gretel. They live in the candy house and welcome for every visitors from all over the world.

    A time limited escape adventure in the haunted house!
    Some secret virus experiments were executed in the basement of a sugarcoated cafe. The situation was getting out of control and we need you to get the anti-virus reagent out there before it's too late!
    You will have to collect clues to help yourself out while dealing with unknown enemies, hidden events, and jumping puzzles. Total 5 areas to explore, time is ticking, will you be the survivor or become part of "them"...?

    How would you like your Adventure?

    Let me know the version so I can better tailor the Adventure for you!★★ Highly Recommend the Ultimate Version!! (40-60 min) ★★

    Lite Version (10 min)

    A quick glance of the whole place

    (✓ 3 Areas + ✓ 2 Hidden Areas)× RP story
    × Items investigation
    × Enemy engagement
    × Hidden events & items

    Complete Version (20 min)

    Spend some time and have fun

    (✓ 3 Areas + ✓ 2 Hidden Areas)✓ RP story (Lite)
    ✓ Item investigation (Few)
    ✓ Enemy engagement (Easy)
    × Hidden events & items

    Ultimate Version (40 min)

    Escape or die, a real challenge

    (✓ 3 Areas + ? 2 Hidden Areas)✓ RP story (Lite)
    ✓ Item investigation (All)
    ✓ Enemy engagement (Hard)
    ✓ Hidden events & items


    Book your interactive Escape Adventure today

    • How do I book ?

    Discord: Episode666 or dunkelhelvete@Discord )
    In-game: /tell Dunkel Helvete@Balmung
    (Or try to hit me up whenever my Haunted Escape Party Finder is up.)

    • Haunted Hour?

    Friday & Saturday 9:00 pm EST – 2:00 am EST
    Other time could be available after discussion! :)

    • How long the Adventure will take?

    Total time will be around 40~60 mins, depends on groups.
    RPers might need more time, please let me know when booking.

    • The Number of Beasts

    Yes, yes! Bring friends with you!
    A small group (1-4 people) is recommended!
    A large group (5-7 people) could be a bit crowded/messy, if you don’t mind.
    Splitting people into few small groups also works.

    • How much gil do I have to pay $$$?

    ALL for FREE, ALL for FUN!
    Tips are welcomed but not mandatory! xD

    • What if I want to weight the place ahead of my adventure?

    You might want to evaluate the place in advance, if you wouldn't mind to be spoiled then just come over and check the place.
    If surprise and unknown exploration are what you're looking for, then I recommend not to peek it. (The escape will be less interesting if you've already knew what's there :p)

    Feel free to let me know if there’s any question ♥
    Have a spooky night ♥

    The more detailed adventure can be potentially time consuming so we would be grateful if you could let us know if you're a RPer in advance. ♥You can also hit me up whenever my Haunted Escape Party Finder is up.
    (If no response, could be afk. Contact me on discord: dunkelhelvete)

    The Void

    The true darkness belongs to the throne and all pure evil spirits

    Once upon a time, there are two namazus called Hansel and Gretel. They live in the candy house and welcome for every visitors from all over the world.

    Behold the true regime of darkness

    Cast your spell and summon the real demons with me.Beware, you do not want to wake up the dormant dragonsoul sealed in the voidheart.(Enjoy the adventure on your own, no spoilers here.♥)Solving jumping puzzles before reaching the real darkness.
    Which way will you choose?

    Devil's Lair

    Crystal | Balmung | Empyreum | Ward 19 | Apt. Room 49

    The Escape is under preparation but feel free to look around.
    There will be more puzzle-solving orientated in this chamber. You will have to search for all clues to activate every mechanism to further unlock the final path.
    (Coming soon...)

    Once upon a time, there are two namazus called Hansel and Gretel. They live in the candy house and welcome for every visitors from all over the world.

    Can you find the hidden way to THE VOID?

    My domain, where I collected all my loved stuffs, alive or dead.There's a secret way to The Void, where more surprises await.

    ※Type /housing then teleport to the front door,
    if you got stuck or when the jumping trick doesn't work.※


    Tried to make every corner fancy for photography, hope you enjoy all of them. Don't be shy to share with me your thought or screenshot by leaving me a message on the void guest book or discord.

    • The Fireplace: Pick one your favorite book next to the fireplace and enjoy the reading moment with tonberry little things.

    • Potion Statoin: Or maybe you wanna taste the lala soup? Oh! I meant the lala herb bathwater, no lalas got hurt here I promise.

    • Blood Dance: How about stepping on the blood and cast the ancient spell from the forbidden book, shall we?

    • Flytrap Coffin: Perhaps it's a wonderful sleeping coffin to me yet a lethal flytrap to my prey.

    • The Aquarium: Meet my fishy friends, the Sleepy face, the Screamer, and the AHHHHHHH-shark.

    • Screst Chamber: You can have one free treat as a reward if you found my secret chamber for potions and recipes. Random drinks! A yummy apple juice or a shrink potion.

    Hidden Rune VOID Teleporter

    "Let the water flow lead you the way."

    ~Try to find the hidden water rune in my domain.
    Once you found it, step on it, and JUMP!
    The void awaits.

    ※ If you had passed through any furniture, teleporting trick might not work. (When you've found yourself unable to /sit on a chair)
    Just re-enter the house and try again! Have fun ♥ ※


    All the rest interesting boxes


    Join our discord to follow the openings & events!

    Hope you enjoyed the adventure!
    It would be amazing to know if you love the experience.
    Don't be shy to give me your feedback, any suggestion and thought are the most welcomed! Furthermore, share with me your screenshots!
    (Sign me your name at the back of the photo. /wink)

    Once upon a time, there are two namazus called Hansel and Gretel. They live in the candy house and welcome for every visitors from all over the world.


    (Soft open since Nov. 2022,
    June, 22, 2024 updated)

    $245,323,591 Gil

    All tips go to souvenirs and paycheck for haunted partners ♥

    626 victims

    Art by Kody ♥

    4 Death of BLU
    12 Trapped Souls

    Failed to escape or self-destruction

    Nov. Soft Open
    04/15 #100 Visitors
    05/05 djayYAMS
    06/12 #200 Visitors
    08/20 #300 Visitors
    09/04 Lodestone Magazine
    09/09 $100mil
    10/14 #400 Visitors
    12/10 djayYAMS
    12/16 $200mil
    (busy and lazy xD)

    4 Dice of Evil (#666)

    07.01 Azenar Hydes @Faerie
    07.15 Dunkel Helvete
    10.07 Riarya Kisne @Siren
    10.28 Dunkel Helvete
    04.27 Kikyo Angel @Zalera

    5 Dice of Void (#0)

    ??.?? Dunkel Helvete
    ??.?? Dunkel Helvete
    09.09 Percival Goudernoux@Goblin
    10.21 Asher Kincaid@Brynhildr
    10.28 Galen Kisne#@Mateus
    12.22 Dunkel Helvete

    Best Record Rankings

    Solo players

    RankDateTime LeftPlayer
    12024/1/611"42Kenji Yoishi @Seraph

    Small Party (2-4 players)

    RankDateTime LeftPlayers
    12024/1/1311"15 (+2)Steevon Dejiki @Hyperion
    ---U'kiyo Ito @Hyperion
    ---Adelina Locked @Hyperion

    Large Party (5-7 players)

    RankPlayerDateTime left


    Come out and play!

    Pocket List

    Collection of those amazing experiences

    Listing those lovely places I've been to and just want to share with more people! Feel free to let me know your haunted/interesting place!
    (The order is nothing to do with the ranking)
    Lastest Update: 2024. June. 24

    Friends & Fun

    Funny venues with friends

    Tons of interesting places that you wouldn't want to miss.
    Explore and enjoy!



    More spooky places!
    Never enough!


    Awesome vibe

    Nothing scary but pretty and awesome!
    Come over and check these places!

    Friends & Fun

    The Corsair

    Crystal | Goblin | Mist | W16 P36

    AIRSHIP BAR & BATHHOUSEYou have to take a look at their deck! Running by a motley crew of gay pirates welcoming ruffians of every creed and sexualities. They're really nice and friendly! Meet new friends here!

    Strip N Ladders

    Aether | Cactuar | Mist | W12 P6

    PLAYING WITH FRIENDS!It's a wonderful place to hangout with friends! Or just come over when they're open and let them host it for you. Ready?

    Huckleberry Saloon

    Crystal | Diabolos | Goblet | W11 P19

    YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS IT!This is one of the best places I've ever been to! Lovely bar theme and all interesting activities! HAVE FUN!

    Huckleberry Saloon

    Crystal | Diabolos | Goblet | W11 P19

    YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS IT!This is one of the best places I've ever been to! Lovely bar theme and all interesting activities! HAVE FUN!

    Hersheys Underground
    Lala Fight Club

    Dynamis | Halicarnassus | Mist | W5 P15

    It's more than a fight club, it's a Lala Fight Club!
    They're smol but their punch are not joking! An awesome place you must visit, amazing cage theme, and true fights!

    Noise Complaint

    Aether | Cactuar | Mist | W9 P14

    \m/ TIME TO MOSH PIT!!! \m/
    Amazing underground live house!
    Everything's on the point and you don't want to miss their bar and merchandise!

    Idiot Bar

    Siren | Empyreum | W27 P52

    "Reject brain embrace idiot."
    One of the best taverns I've ever been! Comfy vibe and all interesting people around! Come to meet new friends!

    The Lion's Maw

    Crystal | Zalera | Goblet | W29 P34

    "A Somnus Den and Fighting Arena."
    The whole U'ldah theme is pretty cool, also nice food, drinks, and fights!
    Don't forget to try their Somnus !

    Eorzean Metropolitan Museum of Art

    Dynamis | Seraph | Mist | W10 P60

    A pretty art museum with various arts!
    A nice place to spend some time with friends. They also have bar and private date service!

    Kugane Fried Chocobo (KFC)

    Crystal | Malboro | Lavender Beds | W16 P28

    They let me pick chocobo to fry!!
    A lovely restaurant with awesome gaming basement you must check it out! Guess who's the best employee of the month?

    The Sleepy Tonberry

    Crystal | Balmung | Shirogane | W4 P43

    [RP+] 3pm EST every Monday
    Looking for Bed & Breakfast?
    Then this is the place you're looking for. Come over for food and all kinds of cozy rooms!

    Waking Lion Cafe

    Crystal | Balmung | The Goblet | W30 P41

    A place full of "goth" and "voidsent".
    Come over get yourself some wonderful desserts, drinks, and...some 'secrets'...?
    (They have Boba teas on menu! ♥)

    Tumble Weeds

    Crystal | Empyreum | Empyreum | W15 P17 upstairs

    Western-Theme speakeasy with live bard performances!
    "Way better than dead ones, I'd reckon. We got spurs that jingle jangle jingle and all manner of folks are welcome so feel free to mosey on down, ya hear?"

    Morbid Menagerie

    Crystal | Balmung | The Goblet | W30 P41

    If you're looking for something unique... this is the right place!Dare you to ask
    'What is the Music of Life'?

    AFK Cafe

    Crystal | Zalera | Lavender Beds | W22 P14

    Pretty cool coffee shop!!!
    You will love it and be surprised at the way the owner serves food and drinks!!! You must try!

    Haunted Houses

    Human-sized Cat Tree

    Crystal | Balmung | Empyreum | W13 P9

    [RP+] Wed, 6 PM PDT/9 PM EDT
    It's all for science!!
    Come over have fun with the cat tree and to sign the disclaimer. They have the BEST morbol in their basement!

    Monster Mash

    Aether | Midgardsormr | Empyreum | W10 P42

    Awesome place!!!
    Different color with special theme of each lovely room, well-designed.
    Beware of the spider and teeth!

    (A vampire's lair)

    Aether | Midgardsormr | Empyreum | W10 P42

    Love the room and the single cell, especially when the only sunshine comes through the window.


    Primal | Lamia | Empyreum | W5 P17

    Amazing dungeon!!
    All prisoners are well treated with a comfy toilet to use. But the rat there is really a fat one.

    Trist's Spooky House

    Crystal | Coeurl | Gobet | W14 P43

    A place full of MAZE and surprise!! Bet you'll have fun to find your way out there!

    The Rhotano Museum

    Crystal | Balmung | Mist | W15 P5

    It's an awesome museum!!
    "Have you heard of The Mister? No? They have heard about you. Sure as the sea is Salty, Rhotano is watching. There are secrets hiding at thing museum..."


    Crystal | Balmung | Mist | W1 P5

    A pretty haunted manor!!
    Wonderful mix of the smell of demons and plants... Interesting aquarium and auction show...?

    Dotharl Lair

    Crystal | Zalera | Lavender Beds | W5 P11

    A cozy place for ritual!
    If you're looking for a place of cult, it's a great one. Besides, lots treasures and gold!

    Kerfuffle Manor

    Crystal | Balmung | Mist | W2 P35

    Another MAZE of surprise!!
    Bet you'll have fun to find your way out there! And wonderful basement don't miss it.

    Non-haunted Houses

    Pirate Galleon

    Aether | Gilgamesh | Empyreum | W3 P60

    Incredibly amazing!!!
    The best pirate ship I've ever seen! Very detailed in every corner and full of surprise. All aboard!!!

    The Eorzean Aquarium

    Crystal | Malboro | Lavender Beds | W16 P59

    Awesome aqua world!!!
    A wonderful place to go with friends and enjoy the world of a various of fishy. Touchable!

    Luxfire Faire Tower

    Crystal | Malboro | The Goblet | W27 P43

    Moonfire Jumping Puzzle AGAIN!!!
    Come and challenge yourself if you missed it before or wanna recall the falling memory!

    Pirate's Bread Haven

    Crystal | Zalera | Lavender Beds | W1 P53

    Pretty cozy tavern for pirates! If you want to watch beautiful sunset and have a beer, this is the place!